The Gospel of Thomas

These are the hidden sayings of Jesus Christ.

I will list some of His sayings here, it will take me a while so do keep checking back.


Most people have never heard of Gospel of Thomas, probably the most IMPORTANT Gospel to be excluded from the Bible.

Why was this very important Gospel excluded?


During the early set up of the orthodox Church many Jews - this are the Jews Jesus referred to as the Synagogue of Satan, who were followers of the Babylonian Talmud, joined and brought their anti-Christ teachings with them, these were incorporated within the orthodox Church, two of those teachings being the extreme hatred of women and sexual lust for children.

Because of this, all those who tried to teach from the Gnostic Scriptures were severely persecuted and very often killed.  So we can see from the very start of the orthodox Church the peaceful teachings of Christ were never followed, the early Church was never Christian.

But we already know this by the atrocities these orthodox Churches carried out on ordinary people for nearly 2,000 years.  And today they are telling us we must accept Islam, non-muslims are being tried and convicted under blasphemy laws by way of hate speech.  A White British man, in Britain, has been jailed for two years just for shouting 'Who the f*** is allah'.


Jesus teaches that the Spirit of God is all around us and within us.  He was telling us that we do not need these Church leaders to tell us how to find or be one with God.


The Hidden Sayings of Jesus

These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymus Judas Thomas (Thomas in Greek means twin) wrote down.


1.   And Jesus said, “Whoever finds out what these sayings mean will not taste death.” - This relates not to physical death, but spiritual death.


2.   Jesus said, “Let the seeker keep seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will be disturbed. When he is disturbed, he will be amazed. When he is amazed, he will be invincible to everything. And when he is invincible to everything, he will be at rest.”


3.   Jesus said, “If pleasing speakers say to you, ‘Look, the Kingdom of God is in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will get there before you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the waters,’ then the fish of the waters will get there before you. Instead, the Kingdom of God is within you and all around you. - Do not be deceived  by those who tell you that Christ has reappeared.

   “Those who come to know themselves will find it. And when you come to know yourselves, you will see that you are children of the living            Father. But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and that poverty is you.”


4.   Jesus said, “A person of many years will be willing to ask a child of seven days about the nature of life, and that person will live. For many who are first shall be last, and many who are last shall be first. And the many will become one.”


5.   Jesus said, “Understand what is right in front of your face, and all the secrets will be revealed to you. There is no secret that will not be revealed.”


6.   Jesus’s disciples asked him, “How should we fast? How should we pray? Should we give alms? What should we eat?”


    Jesus said, “Do not lie, and do not do what you hate, for all things are known to Heaven. There is no secret that will not be revealed, and all        that is covered will be uncovered.”


7.   Jesus said, “Blessed is the lion that is eaten by a human so that the lion becomes human. And cursed is the human that is eaten by a lion so that the lion becomes human.”


8.   Jesus said, “Some people are like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the water and pulled it out full of little fish. The fisherman spotted a fine big fish in their midst and immediately chose it over all the little fish, which he threw back into the water. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”


9.   Jesus said, “A sower went out with a handful of seeds and cast them. Some landed on a path, and the birds came and pecked them out. Others landed on rocks, where they could not reach the soil and so could not produce a crop. Others landed on thorns, which smothered the seeds, and the worms ate them. But others landed in good soil, and these sent up a good crop, some sixty per measure and some a hundred and twenty per measure.”


10.   Jesus said, “I have lit a spark in the midst of the world, and I am tending it until it becomes a blaze.” - I believe this is one of Jesus' most powerful and important sayings.


11.  (i)   Jesus said, “This sphere of heaven will perish, and so will the one above it.

       (ii)  The dead are not alive, and what is alive will not die.

       (iii)  In the days when you ate what was dead, you brought it to life.

When you step into the light, what will you do?

       (iv) On the day when you were one, you split into two.

When you split into two, what will you do?”


12.   Jesus’s disciples said to him, “We know that you will leave us. When you do, who will lead us?”

Jesus said to them, “No matter where you are coming from, go to James the Just, for whose sake Heaven and earth came into being.”


13.   Jesus said to his disciples, “Compare me to something that is like me.”

   Simon Peter said to him, “You are like an angel of justice.”

Matthew said to him, “You are like a brilliant philosopher.”

   But Thomas said to him, “Teacher, none of the words my mouth can form can say what you are like.”

Jesus said to Thomas, “I am not your teacher, for you have quaffed the frothing spring that I have poured for you, and you have become drunk.” And he took Thomas aside and spoke three sayings to him.

   When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked him, “What did he say to you?”

Thomas said to them, “If I were to tell you even one of the sayings he spoke to me, you would grab rocks and stone me, and fire would burst forth from the rocks and devour you.”


14.   Jesus said to them, “If you fast, you will commit a sin. If you pray, you will be damned. If you give alms, you will bring evil upon your souls.


“When you travel somewhere and people take you in, eat whatever they serve you, and heal those who are sick. For you are not defiled by what goes into your mouth, but rather by what comes out of it.”


15.   Jesus said, “When you find someone who was not born of any woman, fall on your faces and bow before him. For that one is your Father.”


16.   Jesus said, “People may think that I have come to bring peace to the world. They do not know that I have come to bring strife: fire, sword, and war. In a house where five people live, three will be against two, and two will be against three. Parent will be against child and child against parent. Each will be alone against all.”


17.   Jesus said, “I will give you what your eyes have not seen, what your ears have not heard, what your hands have not touched, what the human heart has not felt.”


18.   Jesus’s disciples said to him, “Tell us what the end times will be like.”

Jesus said to them, “Have you found the beginning, and can you now move on to finding the end? For the end and the beginning are in the same place. Blessed is the one who has found the beginning, for he will find the end and will not taste death.”


19.   Jesus said, “Blessed is the one who was alive before he was born. If you become my disciples and hear my words, even the stones will be your servants. In paradise, there will be five trees for you, trees that are the same in winter as they are in summer, and whose leaves never fall. Whoever finds them will not taste death.”


20.   Jesus’s disciples said to him, “Tell us what the Kingdom of God is like.”

Jesus said to them, “It is like a mustard seed. No seed is smaller, but if it falls on suitable ground, such a luxuriant plant springs forth from it that the birds of the sky find shade beneath it.”


21.   (i)     Mary asked Jesus, “What are your disciples like?”

        (ii)    He said to her, “They are like children who live in a house that they do not own.

        (iii)   When the owners of the house arrive, they say, ‘Give our house back to us.

        (iv)   So the disciples strip naked and give back to them both clothes and house.

        (v)   “So I say that if the owner of a house knows that someone is coming to rob him, he will stand guard before the robber comes, and he                  will not let the robber break in and steal what is his.

        (vi)    As for you, therefore, stand guard against the world.

        (vii)   Arm yourselves with the power to keep the robbers away, for sooner or later they will indeed try to break into your house.

        (ix)    Surely there is one among you who understands!

        (x)     “When the crop was ready, that person hurried over with a sickle and harvested it.

        (xi)    Whoever has ears, let them hear.”


22.   Jesus saw some suckling infants. He said to his disciples, “Those who enter the Kingdom of God are like those infants.”

They asked him, “Then do we have to become babies to enter the Kingdom?”


Jesus said to them, “When you make what is two into one, and make what is outside like what is inside and what is inside like what is outside, and make what is above like what is below, and when you make man and woman into the same thing, so that the man is not a man nor the woman a woman, when you replace eyes with eyes, hands with hands, feet with feet, and an image with an image, then you will enter the Kingdom.”


23.   Jesus said, “I will choose one out of a thousand and two out of ten thousand, and they will stand together as one.”


24.   The disciples said to Jesus, “If we must seek the place where you dwell, then show it to us.”

Jesus said to them, “Whoever has ears, let them hear. Light dwells within a person of light. It illuminates the whole world, and if it does not, there is only darkness.”


25.   Jesus said, “Love your brother as yourself. Look after him as you would the pupil of your own eye.”


26.   Jesus said, “You see the grain of sand in your brother’s eye, but you do not see the rock in your own eye. When you remove the rock from your own eye, then you will see clearly enough to be able to remove the grain of sand from your brother’s eye.”


27.   Jesus said, “If you do not forsake the world, you will never find the Kingdom of God. If you do not treat the Sabbath as the Sabbath, you will never meet the Father.”


28.   Jesus said, “I came into the flesh and made my way through the world. Everyone I met was drunk, yet no one was thirsty. It pained me to see the blindness of their hearts. They were empty when they came into the world, and they intend to leave the world empty as well. But in the meantime, they are drunk. When they get out from under their liquor, they will regret it.”


29.   Jesus said, “If the body were created for the sake of the spirit, that would be a marvel. If the spirit were created for the sake of the body, that would be a marvel of marvels. But I marvel at how such a treasure can be found amidst so much poverty.”


30.   Jesus said, “Whether there are three together, or two, or one alone, I am with them.”


31.   Jesus said, “A prophet is never welcome in his own town, and a doctor does not heal his own friends.”


32.   Jesus said, “A city with high walls on a high hill cannot fall – nor can it be kept hidden.”


33.   Jesus said, “What you hear with your ears, announce for other ears from your rooftop. After all, no one lights a lamp and puts a jug over it, nor hides it away somewhere. Instead, it is put on a lampstand so that anyone who is near to it will see its light.”


34.   Jesus said, “If a blind person is led by another blind person, both will fall into a hole.”


35.   Jesus said, “No one can invade a strong man’s house without first binding his hands. Then you can loot his house.”


36.   Jesus said, “From dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn, do not worry about what you will wear.”


37.   Jesus’s disciples asked him, “When will you be revealed to us, and when will we see you?”

Jesus answered, “When you shamelessly strip naked and trample your clothes under your feet like little children, then you will see the child of the living Father, for your sight will not be blocked by fear.”


38.   Jesus said, “You have sought me out many times to hear my sayings, for there is no one else from whom you can hear them. A time will come when you will look for me but not find me.”


39.   Jesus said, “The Pharisees and the scribes have seized the keys to Gnosis and hidden them. They have not used the keys, nor have they allowed anyone else to use them and enter the place of Gnosis. You must therefore be as cunning as snakes and as innocent as doves.”


40.   Jesus said, “A grapevine has been planted far from the Father. Because of this, it is weak and sickly. It will be yanked out of the ground and left to die.”


41.   Jesus said, “He who already has much will be given even more. And he who has little will be stripped of everything.”


42.   Jesus said, “Be passersby.”


43.   Jesus’s disciples challenged him, “Who are you to give us these sayings?”

Jesus said to them, “Can you not tell who I am from my sayings? You have become like the Jews, who love the tree but hate its fruit, and love the fruit but hate the tree.”


44.   Jesus said, “Someone who speaks blasphemy against the Father will be forgiven, and someone who speaks blasphemy against the Son will be forgiven, but someone who speaks blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven – not on earth, and not in Heaven.”


45.   Jesus said, “No one gathers grapes from weeds, and no one picks figs from cacti. Good people leave their storehouse with arms full of good, but evil people bring evil things out of the storehouse in their hearts, and speak evil words. Such is what their hearts contain in abundance.”


46.   Jesus said, “From Adam to John the Baptist, no one born to any woman has been the equal of John the Baptist. There are none before whom he must lower his eyes. And yet, as I have told you, whoever among you becomes a little child will come to know the Kingdom of God, and they will surpass even John.”


47.   Jesus said, “No one can ride two horses or draw two bows at once. No slave can serve two masters, for he will have to obey one and disobey the other. No one wants to drink new wine after drinking aged wine. No one fills old wineskins with new wine, for they might burst. No one fills new wineskins with aged wine, for it might turn. And no one sews old patches onto new clothes, for they might rip.”


48.   Jesus said, “If two people reconcile with each other in the same house, they will say to a mountain ‘Get up and move’ and it will move.”


49.   Jesus said, “Blessed are those who stand out and stand alone, for they will find the Kingdom. They have come from the Kingdom, and they will return to it.”


50.   Jesus said, “If they ask you, ‘Where are you from?’ tell them, ‘We are from the light, from the place where the light arose by itself and established its own in its image.’ If they ask you, ‘Are you that light?’ tell them, ‘We are its children, those whom the living Father has chosen.’ If they ask you, ‘How do you know that your Father dwells within you?’ tell them, ‘By his movement and his rest.’'


51.   Jesus’s disciples asked him, “When will the resurrection of the dead occur, and when will the new world arrive?”

Jesus answered, “What you are looking for is already here, but you do not recognise it.”


52.   Jesus’s disciples said to him, “Of the twenty-four prophets who foretold the fortunes of Israel, all of them spoke about you.”

Jesus replied, “You have overlooked the living one in your midst and have wasted your words on the dead.”