Christianity Under Attack


Christianity and Christians are under attack across the world. If you are relying on the Main Stream Media to tell you this, they won't.


In the West, at the moment, the attacks are mostly verbal, with churches being turned in mosques, but in the Middle East and Africa it is so much worse.

**It has been a while since I first wrote the above, things are now escalating into physical attacks - Bomb attacks, knife attacks and car attacks, Churches are being desecrated and burned down across the UK and Europe, but very little mention of this in the MSM.


The 'Great Falling Away' is in it's final stages.

Countries that were founded on Christianity have all but fallen into the clutches of Islam.

To defend yourself and others against **Islamic Terrorists** now puts you in the catagory of **Far Right Extremist**.

Forced to attend 'de-radicalization classes' this a euphemism for - How to love. embrace and bow down to your Islamic masters.

This in not Political Correctness, it is APPEASEMENT, CAPITULATION and SURRENDER.

God help us all!!


Man who bravely fought the London Bridge Islamic Terrorists being treated as a Far Right Extremist.

Read his story here.



A prophetic quote from Winston Churchill's book - The River War (1899)

Winston S. Churchill

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”

Churches are being ransacked and destroyed, Christians are being slaughtered at an alarming rate, yet no one in the media, Western, Middle Eastern or African governments seem to care, with the  exception of Hungry.


If you profess to being a Christian you will be ridiculed, called a racist and potentially physically attacked and yet it is tolerant Christian countries that are bearing the brunt of mass muslim immigration from the Middle East and Africa.

Of all the religions Islam is the most intolerant.


One World Religion and Pope Francis - The False Prophet

Beware the anti-Christ, Pope Francis (not THE anti-Christ - He has yet to appear) is now showing his true allegiance and it isn't to Jesus Christ. This Man/God is dangerous, he is leading the faithful down the road to Islamic integration (take over), Christianity will disappear without trace absorbed into the barbarity that is Islam.
He has mentioned many times that Christians and Muslims read from the SAME book, worshipping the SAME God.
If you have ever read the Quran and the hadiths of Muhammad, you will instantly notice that the teachings of Christ are diametrically opposed to those of the Quran.

The Quran promotes Paedophilia and so called 'Honour' killings, mostly of women. Stoning women to death for adultery because they had been raped.
Nowhere does Christ condone this, He doesn't even mention these things. Now I hear the apologists SHOUTING what about the priests who have raped throughout the centuries, yes they did, but these were/are NOT the followers of the teachings of the Spiritual (true) Christ, they are the followers of the apostate anti-Christ and the man/god called the POPE and they will receive their just punishment.

The same people who also cite the deaths of millions of people by the Christian Church, the same rule applies, the apostate Church bears all the guilt.

When people say that 'Islam is the religion of peace', they have been deceived. The Quran is dualistic, when muslims are in the minority they are 'peaceful' and 'friendly' as they are outnumbered, but once their numbers grow their attitude towards their non-muslim neighbours starts to change, becoming aggressive and demanding, the other side of the dualistic nature of the Quran comes to the surface.

Pope Francis also shouts for a world 'without' borders, One World Government, the end to capitalism, the beginning of world socialism, everyone getting 'their share', just HOW does he expect this to happen?


The African population is exploding, and the young males are migrating to Europe leaving behind the vulnerable, you see heart rending pictures of poor starving black babies, the only trouble is Africa produces nothing, billions upon billions of dollars has poured into Africa over the past 50 years all it has achieved is fat, lazy, wealthy leaders and still on our televisions, everyday the charities are begging for our money as individuals, the UK government in 2016 sent out £13.5 BILLION of tax payers money in foreign aid, this is just ONE country, ALL (white) western countries send millions in foreign aid as well, and still the babies starve, what bottomless pit has this money disappeared into? Yet all white people who dig into their own pockets are still called racist!!!

Before long Europe will be totally overwhelmed by African and Middle Eastern males, most will never integrate, these are the future slaves of the New World Order, if you think the elites are being altruistic in supporting and funding this mass migration you are wrong, it is only the elites who will benefit from this tragedy of mass population displacement and replacement, in case you hadn't realised, white Europeans are being replaced and the replacement is escalating.


Dhimmis for Islam - Feminists for Islam - Gays for Islam

A wave of socialism is spreading across the western world, but do these people really understand what they are wishing for?
These socialists shout out about 'tolerance and love' for all, especially towards muslim 'refugees' but at the same time vehemently denouncing Christianity and Christians, no tolerance and love as far as Christians are concerned.

These people are playing into the hands of political Islam, non-muslims are known as 'Dhimmis', given special protection under Islam.
These dhimmis are the useful idiots of Islam, once their usefulness has achieved the required outcome, Islamic domination of the western world, they will no longer be required and will either be forced to convert to Islam and as 'convertees' they will be second class citizens, if they refuse to convert they will be killed along with all the Christians and other non-muslims.
The dhimmis will not be allowed the protest under Islam, all freedoms that they are enjoying now will be lost, the protesting women (feminists) will be prisoners behind closed doors and only allowed out by permission of their menfolk. Homosexuals thrown from tall buildings, do they really know what they are supporting or what they are really 'fighting' for?

Moral of the story - "Be careful what you wish for, it may well come true".


Governments, Anti-Fascists and Free Speech

Criticism of Christianity is tolerated and actually encouraged, but under no circumstances must anyone criticise Islam.
Christians are told you MUST be tolerant and accept them in your neighbourhoods, yet NO ONE will tell the Muslims they have to be tolerant too - 'When the wolf comes knocking on the door, you don't open it'.


Governments are banning free speech and freedom of expression, if you express anything that goes against Islam you can and will be jailed.
Social media sites will ban you.

One senior British Police Officer actually stated 'You may not commit a crime BUT if someone perceives any remarks you make as 'offensive' the police will prosecute you by perverting the laws that exist, to even making up 'new laws' in the police station, police are actually giving cautions to people with the 'laws' they have made up.
So called 'Anti-Fascist' (antifa) groups are attacking anyone who refuses to agree with them, these are part of the socialist movement of 'tolerance and love' but at the same time spewing hate - These are the true fascists.

Actual free speech is now relegated to groups of people who can only speak together in private - What goes around comes around, we've been there before.


Sharia Compliance

Western governments are becoming Sharia compliant and enacting blasphemy laws to appease muslims, although they are still in the minority. Nearly every piece of food you buy is halal, because the muslims demand it.


Resurgence of Ritual Sacrifice

The barbaric halal slaughter of animals contravenes most western countries animal welfare laws, but muslims can and do ignore them and the governments ignore this for fear of being called 'Islamaphobic' or 'racist'.
When you here that ritual sacrifices are taking place again in the Temple on the Mount, you know the 'writing is on the wall' heralding the second coming.


Non-Muslims and The Quran

Below is a link to the part of the Quran the deals with 'The Kafir' (all those who do not adhere to Islam).

How many times have your heard the same of phrase 'Islam is the religion of peace' it is far from peaceful.

Click the link below and read for yourself what the muslims think of you as a Christian or a Jew and what they will do to you if you do not convert.


Sharia Law and the Kaffir

This is just a snippet of the hate and barbarity they bring to non-muslims.

This is Political Islam and it's purpose is to conquer the world.


Why is this happening - It is a concerted effort to eradicate Christianity and to replace the populations of 'white countries' with non-whites and non-Christians.

Evil Satanic forces are at work and escalating rapidly.


George Soros , Pope Francis and the United Nations (Sharia Compliant) are enabling and funding this mass invasion. Saudi Arabia holds the UN Council of Human Rights, a country where human rights are negligible. Slavery is still widespread across the Middle East and Africa, but these aren't 'White slave owners' so everyone who could make a difference remains quite, for fear of offending.
Look up - UN Agenda 2030 - UN Agenda 2064 - The Marrakesh Declaration - The Barcelona Declaration 1995 - All of these are about flooding Europe with mass Muslim  migration from the Middle East and Africa.


The Return of Christ is fast approaching.