Gnostic Teachings

2nd January 2024

For this new year I will be adding the teachings of the Gnostics - In no particular order.

It will be a long process so please come back and check.


When I say 'men' I am referring to 'mankind' both men and women, unless otherwise stated - Yes I am old fashioned!

The first thing to note is that there are contradictions, as there is with everything written by men because of human nature. personal thoughts and orthodox indoctrination will always be added.  The early 'Christians' were Jews coming from orthodox Jewish backgrounds which meant they had to 'unlearn' that which they had been taught in their early years, this is no different from me when breaking away from the Church of England.


If you are new to the Gnostics teachings you may well encounter problems, especially men (the biological ones).

Gnostics believe that men and women are equal in the eyes of God, we can actually read this in the Bible in Genesis 1, then read the contradiction in Genesis 2.

Genesis 1

Genesis 1:1-26  (I haven't put the entire chapter in)

God created the vegetation, then He created the animals of air land and sea and finally created He man. (Before He created (literal) man)

Genesis 1:27

27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Created men and women at the same time).

God gave dominion of the earth to both men and women.


Now we will compare it with Genesis 2

Genesis 2 


In Genesis 2:2-7 and 22 (again I have not put the entire chapter in).

7    And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

As we see from the above God created the vegetation and animals AFTER He created the man. No woman at this point.


It is at this point God decides that the man needs a companion.

18  And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

22  And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

For those who do not know - a woman CANNOT come from a man, this due to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

mtDNA is a very small fragment (0.1%) of the genome, but it is significantly important this applies to ALL mammals not just humans.

mtDNA is inactive in males and can ONLY be passed down the female line from mother to child, to sons and daughters.

I can foresee a problem with this in today's climate of 'you can decide to self identify as the opposite sex', in other words - women who self identify as men and then give birth to a child (God protect these poor souls), the so called bought and paid for scientists will say that male mtDNA is being passed down.


The story of

Genesis - The extended version


Gnostic Scriptures

Found in a cave at Nag Hammadi in 1945 - If you can get the Nag Hammadi Scriptures edited by Marvin Meyer.


You will see that I do quote from our traditional Bible because there are texts that are included in both beliefs, although with some striking differences.

The earth and everything on it was created by Yaldabaoth - the Demiurge - the Creator God, the Creator of Chaos - there Dead Sea Scrolls discovered between 1947 and 1956 in Qumran which the Church openly accepts.  But when it comes to the Gnostic scriptures they vehemently deny them as heresy as they are a direct challenge to their self imposed apostic authority.


The ruler of our earth is the DEMIURGE or Satan the followers are the apostate church and their laity.

The Gnostics, including myself follow the DIVINE BEING - The Monad - the ruler of all, including our universe, I am not a scientist so have to put it into terms that I can conceive and understand.

Gnostics are also Polytheistic unlike the orthodox church which is monotheistic.  Judaism was originally polytheistic but the power hungry men wanted a man only society and eradicated the feminine from the Holy books and the orthodox Christian church hierarchy wanted the same thing and refused to accept the true teachings of Christ.


The first thing I will do here is contrast the hierarchy of the apostate church with the fellowship of the Gnostics.

The orthodox church has a strict hierarchical setup:






All of these are strictly subordinate from 1 down to 4 with the laity being the lowest of the low, especially the women being the absolute lowest of all.


The Gnostics on the other hand have no hierarchy each member is an individual with equal rights, both men and women.

To keep order the Gnostics used the terms Bishop, Priest and Deacon to conduct their meetings, the big difference was who performed the different posts at each meeting, this was done by drawing lots, the people would only perform that particular post at that particular meeting.

At the next meeting lots would be drawn again and this applied to both men and women, each had an equal opportunity to perform one of the posts.

The Gnostics would also hold meetings where and when they wanted, this incensed the orthodox church as they believed they should sanction all meetings and of course it was made worse by the fact that women were taking part aswell.

Tertullian was particularly upset about this - 'those women among the heretics' who shared with men positions of authority; 'They teach, they engage in discussion; they exorcise; they cure' - he also suspects that they may even baptise, which meant they also acted as bishops!


To explain this a bit more below is an exert from a follower of Valentinus: The Tripartate Tractite

Here he contrasts the 'Children of the Father' with those who are uninitiates, offspring of the demiurge.

The Father's children join together as equals, enjoying mutual love, spontaneously helping one another.  But the demiurge's offspring - the ordinary Christians - 'wanted to command one another, out rivalling one another in their empty ambition' ; they are inflated with 'lust for power', 'each one imagining that he is superior to the others'.


Some of you are no doubt wondering why I mention the role of women in the Gnostic fellowship, because it is the easiest way to show you how the church hierarchy have lied about the Bible, the Gnostics also embrace both the masculine and the feminine in equal measure, balance must be maintained because without it there is chaos, as is evident with our world that is in chaos now.


Here are some examples of the truths in the Bible they preach from but do not want to admit to:

Judges 4:4-5

4   Deborah a prophetess and leader of Israel

5   And she dwelt under a palm tree.....And the children of Israel came to her for judgement

2 Kings 22:14

14   The High priest consulted Huldah, a prophetess

Romans 16:1 Commended by Paul

1   Phoebe, a deacon/minister in the Churches

Philipians 4:3  by Paul

1   And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help these women who have laboured with me in the Gospels.

If they can lie about something as simple as this, what else are they lying about?


Mary Magdalene is another example of their lies - She is very prominent in the life of Jesus so she would be difficult to eradicate, the easy get around was make her out to be a prostitute, this an an absolute blasphemy.


From the Teachings of Silvanus

Walk in the Way of Christ

Do not tire of knocking on the door of the Word, and do not cease in walking in the way of Christ.

Walk in it that you may receive rest from your labours.  If you walk in another way, the way you take is of no profit.  For those who walk in the broad way will in the end go down to muddy perdition.  For the underworld is wide open to the soul, and the place of perdition is broad.  Accept Christ, the narrow way.  For he is oppressed and bears affliction for your sin.


    O obstinate soul, in what ignorance you exist!  for who is your guide into the darkness?  How many likenesses did Christ take on because of you!