6th November 2020
Much has been made of President Trump being an anti-Semite, but is this true?
1. His son-in-law is Jewish, his
daughter converted to Judaism.
2. He was the first world leader to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy to Tel-A-Viv.
He has also been accused of being racist and a white supremacist, neither of these two statements are true either.
Who is putting out these false statements? The Democrat Party bolstered by the leftist media and the Trump haters on social media - Do your research!
So how does this affect Israel if the Democrats win the White House?
Some things you might not be aware of about the Democrats of today, they have gone from being a party of Democracy to totalitarians, there is nothing liberal about them.
1. They are anti-Semites
2. They are anti-Christian
3. They are anti-white
4. They are also anti-black
5. But they are pro-Islam
Just because there are a lot of Black Democrats doesn't mean they support Black Americans, Barack Obama a case in point.
This is where the problem arises with Israel.
The prophecies tell us that Israel will be attacked and that America will be unable t or just plain won't come to her defence.
At the this time because Donald Trump is in the White House those that wish to attack Israel know that President Trump is pro-Israel and would therefore send American troops to defend Israel against her aggressors.
At the time I am writing this who will occupy the White House next year is still in the balance.
So lets say that the Democrats win the White House, this then is the opportunity for the enemies of Israel to put in place their plan of attack.
Most of the interpreters of the prophecy say that Russia are the main aggressors, as the USSR no longer exists we can now get a better idea of who the attackers will be - The Muslim countries which were part of the now defunct (southern) USSR - NOT Russia, NOT Vladimir Putin.
Also included in the attack will be Iran, probably Azerbaijan who are at this time attacking the Armenian Christians, if you are listening to the mainstream media, who are also anti-Christian, you are being fooled into believing it is the Armenians who are the aggressors, they are defending themselves from Azerbaijan Muslims who are being backed by upto 4,000 Syrian mercenaries, supplied and armed by Turkey. The orthodox (apostate) Church again remains quiet on the persecution and murder of Christians.
Turkey has a proven track record of GENOCIDE against Armenian Christians. Erdogan is trying to resurrect the Ottoman Empire, he is also seen by the Muslim world as their new 'prophet'.
The Bad news -
Israel will be in dire straits, surrounded by their enemies on all sides and the west constantly backing Muslim countries to the detriment of both Jews and Christians.
And The Nearly Good News -
God has said that he will make Israel triumphant with the help of Christian countries and the Lost Tribes will be re-united, but ONLY after they have been attacked.
I can give no Time Line, it's still a waiting game.