Daniel's First Beast - The RAM

6th November 2023


Daniel's BEASTS are not animals but EMPIRES.


Read Daniel 8:3 KJV


Daniel has a vision of a RAM, has two horns.

It will emerge from the EAST and spread West, North and South.

Its ideological influence will spread across the globe and will appear to be unstoppable.


The IDEOLOGY = ISLAM + Sharia Law


Most people, including myself, used to think that western countries would be in an actual war with Islam in a fight for our countries, but we knew that no aggressive Islamic invasion would stand a chance against western military, they also knew this.

Instead what we have seen is a takeover by stealth and it has had considerable success, as of 27th May 2022 there were 443 elected Muslim councillors in England and the number will grow as more Muslim 'refugees' enter the country legally or illegally.  An Extremely small minority of Christian refugees trying to escape persecution in the Middle East are accepted.


A new political party is being registered with Electoral Commission of England and Wales - it is called The PARTY of ISLAM.

Who needs a war when you've been invited in and told you can do what you want, say what you want and given the full protection of the state.


Halal food is served in virtually every school to placate Muslims in England and Wales whilst the Muslim population represents just 6.7% of the overall population!  In the 2011 census the Muslim population was 4.4%, in 12 years the Muslim population has grown by 2.3%.  As Muslim women are mostly USED as baby machines averaging between 6 - 8 per family the percentage increase in Muslims will explode exponentially year on year.


Every time halal food is purchased a 2% tax is added to be paid to Islam which only benefits Muslims, if it is the government purchasing halal food, you as a tax payer are paying Muslims so you can eat.  This tax is also known as a JIZYA tax paid by DHIMMIS (non-Muslims) to Muslims.


Blasphemy Laws have been reinstated under the guise of HATE SPEECH, try criticising Islam and see what happens, to know who you can't criticise - is to know who controls you.

No actual 'war' was/is necessary for Islam to become the dominate power, they already have it.

Islam now has a stronghold all over the world without a shot being fired in anger, mostly!   We have to ignore the bombings, rapes, car rammings, stabbings, Churches being burnt down and desecrated across mainland Europe and the UK.


This is the RAM - the First Beast of Daniel.

The ram in Biblical symbolism represents sacrifice, Islamist's are only too willing to sacrifice themselves and others to placate the blood lust of Muhammad to prove they are 'good' Muslims.


Daniel's Second Beast - The He-Goat

As we have seen with the RAM its intentions are clear - the complete destruction of Israel and ALL western countries raped and butchered back to the stone age, and the subjugation of any people they haven't slaughtered, convert or die, that sounds bad enough but.....

With the GOAT we have a bit more of a problem.


This is the eighth and Final Beast before the Second coming of Christ.


For clarity listed below are the Beast powers in order in which they appeared:

  1. Egypt
  2. Assyria
  3. Babylon
  4. Medes and Persia (Iran, rising in power again today - the RAM)
  5. Greece
  6. Roman
  7. Unknown (Nazi Germany - The Third Reich?)
  8. Unknown - This beast power is from the seventh beast - Which means both the 7th and 8th Beast are the same.

As can be seen from the above the 8th Beast Power is from the 7th Beast Power and therefore becomes The FOURTH REICH and most IMPORTANTLY of all - this is where the ANTI-CHRIST will arise.


Revelation 17:9-11

9     And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. (The WOMAN is the CHURCH)

10   And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a      short space.

11   And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.


This final Beast Power, initially, will be a coalition between 'Church and State'. The CHURCH, The Roman Catholic Church (MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT,  THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH), the STATE is a group of European Nations.

The harlots are ALL of the different 'Christian' denominations that broke away from the Roman Catholic Church but still follow her doctrines e.g. Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Easter etc.


Keep in mind that the Roman Catholic Church IS NOT a Church sanctioned by Jesus Christ - it is an APOSTATE Church sanctioned by SATAN.

This Church and State is the 8th BEAST POWER, THE GOAT - The GOAT in BIBLICAL symbolism is SATAN.


The GOAT BEAST POWER will Crush the RAM BEAST POWER ending its barbaric reign and take control of the entire earth.

Peace, prosperity and stability will come to the people and they will rejoice and praise this new power with its charismatic European leader.


This leader will broker peace between the Arab Nations and Israel.  He will allow the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.

Once the Temple is built he  will place himself on the throne of God and proclaim himself as god.  He will order all the people to bow down to him and praise him and to take the 'Mark of the Beast*', TRUE BIBLE CHRISTIANS and all those who refuse the mark will be put to death.

He will also destroy the Roman Catholic Church and all the other harlot churches.

The ANTI-CHRIST and his GOAT BEAST POWER is now fully in place, at this point he will make war with the 'LAMB of GOD'.


As the war between Israel and Palestine/Hamas is on going, GERMANY is taking the lead in 'peace negotiations'.


*At the moment I'm not too sure what the MARK of the Beast is.  Some newer translations of the Bible say 'ON the Right Hand or ON the Forehead' or even TATTOOED - THIS IS WRONG.       The original text says 'IN the Right Hand or IN the Forehead'