Marxist take over of the United Kingdom

For many years British people (regardless of colour and all but one religion) have been marginalised by the British government this includes both the Conservative and Labour parties.

Both leaders Keir Starmer (Labour) and Sunak (at the time the Tories were in power) are members of the World Economic Forum.

They cannot be members of this psychopathic, parasitic organisation without holding the same views.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, mostly young muslim males, have entered the UK by boat across the English channel, the Tories gave lip service about stopping the boats from crossing but in 14 years of Tory rule the crossings increased year on year whilst the then government spent millions of tax payers money on doing absolutely nothing.

Now the Labour party are in they have renamed illegal immigration to irregular immigration, this is because, without our permission, the Tories signed us up for the United Nations Compact on Regular and Controlled Immigration - from the Middle East and Africa.


Immigration, Unrest and Two Tier Policing

You may be wondering why the British government prefer islam and muslims over their own people - I can tell you - they don't! 

They are the excuse they are using to bring in Chinese style Facial Recognition and Digital Identification, there will be a big probability of Martial Law being implemented, when Martial Law is enacted all democratic processes are suspended, this is straight out of the Marxist playbook.


Muslims are being used to stir up the British people as we can see by what is happening on the streets of the UK after the murder of 3 young girls at a dance class and the serious injury to 10 others, again mostly young children.


You may have heard that the murderer was a 17 year old Welshman, the only part that is true is he was born in Wales but to Rwandan immigrants and a muslim convert also, there is a strong indication that he is older then 17 as he appeared in a BBC advert for Dr Who between 10 and 12 years ago, the video he appeared in has now been deleted by the BBC.


His act of absolute savagery was the point at which the British people said enough is enough.  The protests started peacefully at Downing Street but the government told the police to go dressed in riot gear and just arrest anyone even if they were just standing on the pavement quietly and that is exactly what they did.

There are numerous videos of the police not just pulling random people out for arrest, there is a video (just one of many) on youtube where a man is surrounded by 8 policemen, he has been handcuffed behind his back, the police then proceed to punch him six times in the face and head, he tries to pull his head away to avoid being punched, the police then pull his head forward and down, he then receives two knee hits to his face.

None of this was shown on the MSM.

During the BLM riots of 2020 the police were in shirt sleeves and kneeling down to them.


In Tamworth earlier today there was a large police presence to 'protect' the local mosque with approximately 1000 muslims gathered there out numbering the local English by about 30-1.

Three muslim youths attacked and stabbed three White English men in separate incidents, the police allowed them to run away back to the mosque, making no attempt to arrest or even stop them.


Starmer is a BLM kneeling parasite calling anyone who calls out muslims for their savage barbarity White far right thugs.

He has given muslims £17 million to 'protect' their mosques and £6 BILLION to accommodate all the illegals, all of this money is coming from the people he labels White far right thugs, just another poke in the eye of the very people who have suffered at the hands of migrants.

Only six days ago a 57 year old White English woman was walking her dog when she was savagely attacked and beaten to death by two Somalian immigrants, both were arrested and then released on bail!!!  This was given virtually no air time.


Tommy Robinson

You may or may not have heard of Tommy Robinson.

Regardless of what you have heard about him, he made a documentary called 'SILENCED' (click to watch on Rumble) which had an injunction put on it making it illegal to be shown in the UK, the injunction was put on by a judge at the Royal Courts of Justice, please watch this video before it gets removed.

If you think that British justice is about actual justice this will certainly change your mind.  Again I urge you to watch it.


REMEMBER  -  When people are being silenced by their government it is because they are afraid of those they are silencing.