
Gnosis = Knowledge

If this is your first visit to this site, or even your first visit to any Gnostic site - Welcome!!


You may find what is detailed here hard to accept, we hope to enable Christians or those who are interested in Christianity to understand the True Christ and His True Teachings and how the established worldwide 'Orthodox Christian Church' has subverted the the true message of Christ and His apostles.


Gnosis [Greek] means Knowledge, knowledge of the True Christ and True Christianity - something the Church hierarchy have attempted to hide from their followers and have actually succeeded in doing so for nearly 2,000 years.


The discovery of the Gnostic texts at Nag Hammadi in 1947 has enabled Christians from all denominations to re-assess their faith in Christ and their view of Christianity.


Christianity is under attack and Christians are the most persecuted religious group worldwide, you may find that surprising as the Main Stream Media  - news outlets and social media sites have been pushing and pushing the ideology of Islam and that Muslims are the most persecuted group, unfortunately the vast majority of non-Muslims now actually believe this blatant lie.


How many times have you heard "Look at the atrocities Christians have committed", True Christians have NEVER committed these atrocities - What these ignorant people are actually referring to are the atrocities committed by the PAGAN Christian Church, these being Roman Catholic and Protestant churches They are all apostate Churches and follow THEIR apostate Christ, all come under the heading of ANTI-CHRIST.


The New testament has been adulterated by the papacy, by incorporating pagan rituals to gain more followers and the Jewish Talmud [the Talmud promotes paedophilia and the total subjugation of all females].


Jesus referred to the followers of the Talmud as "Devil Worshippers".


This is a new website and there is still a lot of work to put into it, we hope you will come back and visit often and learn about the One and Only True Christ and all He has to offer us.


We look forward to your visits.